Ways to Donate and Support Kansas STARBASE, Inc.

The Kansas STARBASE program can use your help and support. There are a lot of worthy voices in the community asking for your donations. It’s likely you already contribute to some. Providing Kansas’ youth with an opportunity to better their science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills along with creating positive life choices is the foundation of the STARBASE program.

You may be wondering why add STARBASE to your charitable giving? We think these are just a few good reasons:

  • Your donation helps put new technology into our classrooms and into the hands of our students.

  • Your donation supports our mission to provide quality STEM experiences to intercity youth.

  • Your donation allows our instructor team to stay current on educational best practices through expanded professional development opportunities.

Please join us in making a difference in the lives of Kansas’ children. Even the smallest donations help us change the lives of our students.

1. Make a donation. 

Your financial contributions help sustain this great educational program. 

Donation Forms:

Kansas City’s Site Form

Manhattan’s Site Form

Salina’s Site Form

Topeka’s Site Form

Wichita’s Site Form

Or, Click here ->Contact Us

2. Invite STARBASE to do a presentation. 

We can provide an informative talk at a meeting in your workplace, church, or civic organization. Contact your local STARBASE

3. Ask your family and friends to support STARBASE.

Tell others about the importance of educating our youth in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and what Kansas STARBASE is doing to accomplish that. 

4. Consider leaving a legacy to STARBASE. 

We can provide information about such planned giving options as charitable remainder trusts, estate planning or giving through annuities or your will. 

Click here ->Contact Us

Thank you for your support!